I shall not be participating in Marlborough Open Studios this year. I am happy to welcome visitors throughout the year.
Storm Clouds Gather
Solo exhibition of drawings and prints Landscape | Trees | Birds | Downland
Thursday 3rd to Sunday 27 November
White Horse Gallery, Marlborough, Wiltshire. Mon – Sat: 9am – 5.30pm; Sundays: 11am – 4pm

Open Studio, 2023
I have enjoyed participating in Marlborough Open Studios in alternate years . My next Open Studio planned to be on 9 consecutive days in mid-July, 2023. Further information will be published here and on the MOS website.

Bath Society of Artists
Pen and ink drawing Owl in the New Forest, Pen and Ink. 81 x 115 cm, shown at Bath Society of Artists’ Summer Exhibition, 2022. A sense of achievement when something as large as this is accepted!
Other past events include Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy. See my work in situ.
- Storm Clouds GatherThe exhibition title was not intended to be quite so topical! It was an appreciation of Wiltshire’s big skies, with downland which appears like rolling waves, frozen in a moment of time. In the case of Storm Clouds Over the Downs, the pattern is reflected by a flock of birds… Read more: Storm Clouds Gather
- Theatre of masks and the new normalWatteau’s eighteenth century Pierrot is surprised to find himself on a twenty first century stage. He is dressed for a performance of Theatre of Masks in a public park. His surprise and astonishment at what has come to pass is echoed by the other players. In the Comedia dell’Arte Pierrot… Read more: Theatre of masks and the new normal